Thursday, July 21, 2016

If You Allow the Wrong Man to Lead, the Only Place He'll Drive You is Crazy

The Chronicles of a Love Addict: A Love Junkie's Journey from Suicidal to Saved

As the release date nears the corner, get your weekly dose of what to expect from the highly anticipated book here first!

I can't believe it! The book that has taken me years to complete is finally ready to be released to those of you who have been hearing me go on and on about it for so long.
Out of all of the books that I've written, this one has been the hardest one to write. I retold stories that caused me years worth of nightmares, and like always, I did my best to keep it as a vivid and juicy as possible. I did it because I wanted to put you in that moment of what it felt like to have a man that you practically worshiped fracture your jaw or beat you down emotionally. So I needed the story to be as detailed as possible. Domestic violence is really big deal. As a matter of fact, it's the number one cause of death for African American women ages of 15-45.
We stay for a multitude of reasons, but I can only share with you my story and what caused me to stay with a man who beat me. I was so blinded by him and the love that I thought we had that I even stayed after finding out that our two year relationship was a complete lie. Despite how much time we spent together and around each other's children practically playing house, he actually had a common law wife also.
I thought he would change. I thought the abuse was going to stop, and I figured one day he would love me enough to reciprocate the love that I had given to him. That situation taught me that some things we go through are only to change ourselves through the process.
I don't regret a moment of it. Sure, the broken bones, physical and verbal lashes, and emotional rollercoaster ride of emotions were exhausting, but they were all worth it. Every single scar was worth it. Thanks to that, I'm stronger, tougher, and I've finally handed the wheel over to the one Man who should have been trusted with it from the beginning - Jesus.

"If you allow the wrong mean to lead you, the only place he'll drive you is crazy." - The Chronicles of a Love Addict: A Love Junkie's Journey from Suicidal to Saved (by Keaidy Bennett)

If you haven't done so, make sure you head over to (or just click the book tab) and pre-order your copy. Use the code 'KeaidyB' at checkout so you can save $5!


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