Friday, February 12, 2016

Allow Me to Reintroduce Myself...

I've been writing forever. Luckily for me, a have a lot of supporters thanks to the blog that really started it all for me:
As the self described "expert in what NOT to do," I gave life, career, and relationship advice to all of my readers while I worked diligently on my dreams of being a successful writer while having to balance out working full time and raising a child by myself. Since then, A LOT has changed. I'm pregnant again, and blessed to have the opportunity to spend all of my time making my dreams a reality. It's crazy how in just one year of my life I learned that when you spend most of your time/effort chasing God, you don't have to chase people, and most importantly - your dreams. Because of this, I let go of the blog that I had spent years building and growing, and start all over again.
Just like I stepped out on faith when I made the decision to say "yes," and settle down again (my loyal supporters know how big of a deal that is from someone like me!) - I'm doing the same with my career. I'm just going to chase God, and watch all of my dreams ( and kids) fall in line


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