Wednesday, June 29, 2016

The Chronicles of a Love Addict : COMING SOON

The Chronicles of a Love Addict By Keaidy Bennett

Coming  Soon!

Being a mom, full time student, and an author is exhausting. It's even more strenuous at 32 weeks pregnant. Either way, I am not letting my readers down, and you guys will have new books very soon.
Those of you who have followed my previous blog have heard about a book that I've been working on since I took my career as an author seriously, and it will finally be in your hands sooner than you thing.

The Chronicles of a Love Addict: A Love Junkies Journey from Suicidal to Saved By: Keaidy Bennett

When I originally released the first part of the book, I told my heartbreak of a failed break up through poems. After a few readers explained how that book had changed their lives, I decided to get more honest about the pain and abuse I suffered through for a man I loved. Reliving the broken bones, the emotional and financial abuse wasn't easy; in fact, it's why I've been pushing the book off for so that. That was until now. I'm finally ready to release my story. (Well, not exactly right at this minute? What kind of business woman do you think I am?) 

Anyway, to get you guys ready for it, I'll be releasing little snippets and excerpts leading up to the August release. To get it all started, I'm going to give you the back cover blurb. In the mean time, make sure you subsribe to my newsletter so you stay up to date with the August release.

The Chronicles of a Love Addict: A Love Junkies Journey from Suicidal to Saved By: Keaidy Bennett

I could be bitter. I could allow my soul to remain as dark as some of these physical scars that he's left me with, but it's not worth it. Instead, I'm thankful for the opportunity to grow.
You see, I've smiled when I felt like crying. I've lived when I felt like dying, And I've stood tall wen the weight of the world was dreadfully on my shoulders. I've survived things that would have seemed impossible to that part of my mind that's simple. And it was walking through the first that I understood the need for it. Either God was going to be there to help me withstand it, or he was going to make me fireproof. 

Coming Soon

You guys have no idea how excited I am to finally get this book out to you guys. While you wait for the August release of the book, make sure to purchase some of my other books to keep you occupied in the mean time.

Thanks again for all o your love and support. I would have released the books anyway, but it's amazing to know that so many of you enjoy it also.



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