
Friday, February 19, 2016

The Relationship You have With Yourself Sets the Tone For How You Expect Others to Love You

"The pictures on the right were me just a few years ago It definitely wasn't easy becoming this woman I once prayed about. I went through a LOT of heartbreaks, sleepless nights, tears, and fears to get here, but the important thing is I GOT HERE. Whenever I look in the mirror (even if I'm in sweats, or second day makeup) I ALWAYS see the woman on the left. You don't have to like or accept meBut you WILL respect me. I worked WAY too hard to become this woman to accept anything less then the respect I'm willing to give myself. It took me 26 years to love the reflection in my mirror... I don't have that kind of time to convince anyone else. So you can either rock with me, or kick rocks and #ChargeItToTheGame" 
I originally posted this picture and caption to my Instagram page, and I was surprised at the reaction I received to my moment of transparency. I posted this because I wanted others to know that I was comfortable with myself whether or not they agreed, and I was shocked to see just how many women posted some of the most beautiful selfies I had ever seen, yet in my inbox were honest about how much they hated the woman they had to look at in the mirror everyday. It hurt to know that, and it hurt even more because I had once been that woman. 
"If you don't love yourself, how can you ever expect it from anyone else," was something that I couldn't answer when my grandmother originally asked me. However, I knew it was crucial for helping me step in the right direction. So now I want to ask you that same thing, "How can you expect anyone to love you - when you don't even love you?"

Moral of the Story: Once YOU believe that YOU ARE that woman you portray on social media, the world won't know what to do with you. xo.  

Friday, February 12, 2016

Allow Me to Reintroduce Myself...

I've been writing forever. Luckily for me, a have a lot of supporters thanks to the blog that really started it all for me: ChasingABabyAndADream.com.
As the self described "expert in what NOT to do," I gave life, career, and relationship advice to all of my readers while I worked diligently on my dreams of being a successful writer while having to balance out working full time and raising a child by myself. Since then, A LOT has changed. I'm pregnant again, and blessed to have the opportunity to spend all of my time making my dreams a reality. It's crazy how in just one year of my life I learned that when you spend most of your time/effort chasing God, you don't have to chase people, and most importantly - your dreams. Because of this, I let go of the blog that I had spent years building and growing, and start all over again.
Just like I stepped out on faith when I made the decision to say "yes," and settle down again (my loyal supporters know how big of a deal that is from someone like me!) - I'm doing the same with my career. I'm just going to chase God, and watch all of my dreams ( and kids) fall in line
Copyright © 2015 Keaidy Bennett